Tudi nas je zajela nogometna mrzlica. 😊 Nogomet je zelo priljubljen šport, zato je logično, da v angleščini najdemo kar nekaj nogometnih fraz. Te lahko uporabimo tako v vsakdanjem kot tudi v poslovnem svetu. Z mini kvizom preverite, kako vam gredo od rok!

Preverite svoje znanje angleščine z mini kvizom nogometnih idiomov
- A business person needs to _______________, so competitors and other businesses don’t take away their customers.
a) put it on a plate b) keep their eye on the ball c) blow the whistle
Pravilni odgovor je b.
2. The Manchester United defense were _______________ when they failed to close down Messi, who used the opportunity and scored a goal.
a) hair dryer treatment b) game changer c) caught sleeping
Pravilni odgovor je c.
3. The Brazilian player _________________ for the Italian player and presented him with an easy scoring opportunity.
a) put it on a plate b) was on the ball c) in his pocket
Pravilni odgovor je a.
4. She couldn’t keep silent about the way thing were going and decided to _______________ the company’s illegal activities.
a) know the score b) blow the whistle on c) put it on a plate
Pravilni odgovor je b.
5. I think he ________________ when it comes to Jane. She is definitely out of his league.
a) knows the score b) is caught sleeping c) keeps his eye on the ball
Pravilni odgovor je a.
6. It was a real ______________ when the football club Bravo managed to beat FC Madrid.
a) game changer b) hair dryer treatment c) giant killing
Pravilni odgovor je c.
7. The defence had the striker ________________, throughout the game. The striker couldn’t do anything.
a) caught sleeping b) in his pocket c) be on the ball
Pravilni odgovor je b.
8. The invention of the CT scanner was a major _______________ in medicine and helped diagnose many illnesses much faster and more easily.
a) giant killing b) hair dryer treatment c) game changer
Pravilni odgovor je c.
- I didn’t sleep very well last night and I’m not really _______________.
a) on the ball b) in his pocket c) game changer
Pravilni odgovor je a.
- This manager is known for his __________________ of players, where he stands eye-to-eye and vents his anger.
a) hair dryer treatment b) giant killing c) know the score
Pravilni odgovor je a.
Kratka razlaga nogometnih idiomov s primeri
1. Be on the ball
- I’ve been working for the last three days in a row, and now I am dog tired, so not really on the ball today.
Pomen: Hitro razumeti stvari in se nanje odzvati.
2. Put it on a plate
- He had had everything, the whole world handed to him on a plate.
Pomen: Omogočiti, da kdo brez truda kaj doseže, kaj vidi.
3. Game changer
- As a player he can be a game changer.
- The hit show has been a game changer for the network.
Pomen: Nov dogodek, ideja ali element, ki v veliki meri spremeni obstoječo situacijo.
4. Hair dryer treatment
- Both teams have clearly been given the hairdryer treatment at half-time.
Pomen: Zelo jezen verbalni napad trenerja na igralca ali igralce. Ta idiom nakazuje, da trener piha stalen tok vročega zraka v igralčev obraz.
5. Keep your eye on the ball
- Keep your eye on the ball and don’t try to plan too far ahead.
Pomen: Biti pozoren na trenutno dogajanje. »Odvrniti pogled od žoge« pomeni prenehati se osredotočati na nekaj pomembnega.
6. Caught sleeping
- This is a highly competitive industry. You can’t be caught sleeping, or you’ll fall behind.
Pomen: Opis igralca ali obrambe kot »ujete med spanjem« pomeni, da niso bili osredotočeni na svoje delo ali na določenega igralca iz nasprotne skupine.
7. Know the score
- You know the score – no payment till after the article is published.
Pomen: Zavedati se vseh pomembnih dejstev v situaciji, še posebej neprijetnih.
8. To blow the whistle on someone
- The company stopped using certain chemicals after some workers blew the whistle.
Pomen: 1. V nogometu sodnik zapiska, ko nekdo stori nekaj, kar krši pravila. 2. Član določene organizacije, navadno zaposleni ali nekdanji zaposleni, ki razkrije nezakonito ravnanje drugih članov.
10. Giant killing
- In sport, when a weaker team or competitor beats a much stronger, well-known team or competitor, their success is sometimes called a giant-killing.
Pomen: V nogometu o »ubijanju velikanov« govorimo, ko klub na nižji ravni, v pokalnem tekmovanju, premaga klub na najvišji ravni.