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Tečaj angleščine: poznate te velikonočne idiome?

Tečaj angleščine je priložnost, da odkrijete nekatere zanimivosti angleško govorečih narodov.  Z veliko nočjo so povezane številne zanimive besedne zveze, ki zajemajo precej več kot vprašanje: Have you dyed Easter Eggs already? Preverite svoje znanje.

Lingula, ta jezična šola | Tečaj angleščine velikonočni idiomi

Happy bunny

  • I’ve got a new job. I’m a happy bunny.

Izraz happy bunny se pogosto uporablja za opis osebe, ki je srečna.

Put all your eggs in one basket

  • When planning to invest, it’s not very wise to put all your eggs in one basket.

Izraz put all your eggs in one basket pomeni, da tvegamo vse na eni priložnosti in tveganja ne razpršimo.

A good egg

  • I’m sure you’ll like her. She’s a good egg.

Z izrazom a good egg povemo, da je nekdo zelo prijetna oseba.

Pull a rabbit out of a hat

  • Unless someone can pull a rabbit out of a hat, we’re out of solutions.

S frazo pull a rabbit out of a hat povemo, da smo naredili nekaj zelo učinkovitega in nepričakovanega.

To walk / be on eggshells

  • I was always on eggshells when my family came to stay.

Izraz to walk/ be on eggshells pomeni, da smo zelo previdni, da ne bi koga prizadeli ali užalili.

To kill the goose that lays the golden egg

  • I don’t know why the company executives sold off the most profitable part of their business. They killed the goose that lays the golden egg.

Izraz to kill the goose that lays the golden egg  izhaja iz Ezopove basni in pomeni, da nekdo po nepotrebnem uniči nekaj zelo dragocenega ali koristnega v želji po takojšnji večji koristi, kar na koncu privede do izgube te koristi.


The chicken and the egg situation

  • Trying to determine whether stress causes insomnia or if insomnia leads to stress is like dealing with a chicken and the egg situation. It’s hard to say which comes first.

Ta idiom se uporablja za opisovanje začaranega kroga ali nerešljivega problema, kjer je težko ugotoviti vzročno-posledično razmerje med dvema stvarema.

Kaj je pravilno? Rešite mini kviz in preverite svoje znanje!


1. To kill the goose that lays the golden egg  /  to pull a rabbit out of the hat

In their rush to boost immediate profits by cutting employee perks, the company effectively ________, leading to a sharp decline in staff morale and productivity.

Pravilno: In their rush to boost immediate profits by cutting employee perks, the company effectively killed the goose that lays the golden eggs, leading to a sharp decline in staff morale and productivity.


2. to walk on eggshells  /  to pull a rabbit out of a hat

Ever since their argument, she has been _____ around him, careful not to say anything that might start another fight.

Pravilno: Ever since their argument, she has been walking on eggshells around him, careful not to say anything that might start another fight.


3. a good egg / happy bunny

He’s ________; he always does the right thing.

Pravilno: He’s a happy bunny; he always does the right thing.


4. putting all your eggs in one basket / pulling a rabbit out of the hat

The team decided to spread their investments instead of focusing on just one, realizing the dangers of _____.

Pravilno: The team decided to spread their investments instead of focusing on just one, realizing the dangers of putting all your eggs in one basket.


5.  the icing on the cake  / b) the chicken and the egg situation

The debate about whether technology shapes society or society shapes technology is a classic example of __________.


Pravilno:The debate about whether technology shapes society or society shapes technology is a classic example of __________.


6.  a piece of cake / b) the chicken and the egg situation

In the discussion about climate change, scientists often encounter the chicken in the egg situation, wondering whether reducing emissions will lead to a decrease in global warming or if reducing global warming will automatically lower emissions.

Pravilno: In the discussion about climate change, scientists often encounter __________, wondering whether reducing emissions will lead to a decrease in global warming or if reducing global warming will automatically lower emissions.

Tečaj angleščine po govorni metodi

Tečaj angleščine po govorni metodi je priložnost, da postanete samozavestnejši tudi v angleščini in konkretno razširite svoj besedni zaklad.
