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Učenje angleščine in novoletna voščila v angleščini

Učenje angleščine je povezano z usvajanjem uporabnih fraz. Pogosto iščemo ideje, kako voščiti prijatelju ali poslovnemu partnerju v angleščini. Pripravili smo nekaj možnih voščil.

Voščilo prijatelju

  • Merry Christmas!
  • On New Year’s Day and every day, I wish you joy and fulfilment. Happy New Year!
  • Happy 2024! I wish you a beautiful, magical New Year!
  • I wish every day of the new year to be as brilliant, vibrant, colourful and beautiful as you are!
  • May you get everything you wished for! Happy New Year!
  • Wishing you a happy and healthy 2024!

Voščila poslovnim partnerjem

  • Happy 2024! We wish you a new year filled with health, prosperity, joy, and contentment.
  • We wish you a new year filled with wonder, peace, and meaning. Happy 2024!
  • Thank you for your business in 2024. It has been a pleasure helping you reach your goals, and we look forward to serving you again in the new year. We wish you a prosperous and wonderful 2021!
  • I wish you a wonderful new year filled with abundance, joy, and treasured moments. May 2021 be your best year yet!
  • I hope 2021is a year of great happiness and success for you. Have a wonderful New year!
  • Best wishes for a happy new year filled with health, happiness, and spectacular success.
  • We gratefully wish you a happy holiday. Thanks for becoming a new client. Prosperous New Year’s greetings.
  • Wishing you a happy and healthy 2024!

Thank you for being our customer

Dear …
Thank you for being a customer at our ________ [hair salon, restaurant, gym, health club…]. We look forward to serving you in 2021. We wish you peace, happiness, and abundant good health in the new year.

Voščilo sodelavcem

Dear colleagues

  • I am grateful to each one of you for your tremendous efforts, and I wish everyone a rewarding, joyous new year. I look forward to working with you in 2024.
  • I appreciate your contribution to our success this year. I wish you peace, joy, and fulfilment in 2024. Happy New Year!
  • Along with all the hopes and promises that the new year will bring, we hope it will also bring us many more opportunities to work together. We wish you a very happy and successful year ahead.

Voščila v drugih jezikih

Zbrali smo nekaj najpogostejših kratkih in malce daljših voščil prijateljem in poslovnim partnerjem v različnih jezikih:

Učenje angleščine v Linguli

Učenje angleščine je idealna priložnost za pogovor v tem praktičnem jeziku. Če bi radi vedeli, kje z učenjem začeti, se dogovorite za umestitveni pogovor. Svetovali vam bomo, kateri tečaj je za vas najprimernejši, z izkušenimi predavatelji pa boste skozi pogovor razširili besedišče in odpravili morebitne slovnične napakice.
