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Učenje angleščine: izognite se pogostim napakam

Preverite svoje znanje angleščine s kratkim kvizom. Pripravite se na nekaj izzivov in izboljšajte svoje razumevanje! 

Lingula, ta jezična šola | Angleščina - preverjanje napak
Učenje angleščine: odpravite pogoste napake.

Kateri od naslednjih izrazov je pravilen?

  1. Affect, effect, or both?
  • The new policy will affect our sales.
  • The new policy will have an effect on our sales.
Pravilno: They are both correct. ‘Affect’ is a verb, ‘Effect’ is a noun.

2. Sincerely yours ali yours sincerely?

  • Sincerely yours, John Smith.
  • Yours sincerely, John Smith.

Pravilno: Yours sincerely, John Smith.

  1. Speak with, speak to, or both?
  • I need to speak with the manager about the issue.
  • I need to speak to the manager about the issue.

Pravilno: ‘Speak to’ is used when someone is talking and another person is listening; ‘speak with’ is used in the context of a bi-directional conversation where both parties are speaking.

4. Suppose to / supposed to 

  • We are suppose to have a meeting at 3 pm.
  • We are supposed to have a meeting at 3 pm.

Pravilno: We are supposed to have a meeting at 3 pm.

5. Insure ali ensure?

  • We need to insure that the project is completed on time.
  • We need to ensure that the project is completed on time.

Pravilno: We need to ensure that the project is completed on time.

  1. By mistake ali by accident?
  • I deleted the file by mistake.
  • I deleted the file by accident.

Pravilno: I deleted the file by accident.

  1. Compliment ali complement?
  • The new marketing campaign will compliment our branding.
  • The new marketing campaign will complement our branding.

Pravilno: The new marketing campaign will complement our branding.

  1. Kako pravilno uporabimo besedico hardly?
  • I can’t hardly wait for the weekend.
  • I can hardly wait for the weekend.

Pravilno: I can hardly wait for the weekend.

  1. Bring ali take?
  • Can you bring me to the airport tomorrow?
  • Can you take me to the airport tomorrow?

Pravilno: Can you take me to the airport tomorrow?

10. Raise ali rise?

  • The sun raises in the east.
  • The sun rises in the east.

Pravilno: The sun rises in the east.

  1. Les ali fewer?
  • I have less books than you.
  • I have fewer books than you.

Pravilno: I have fewer books than you.

Učenje angleščine je tek na dolgo progo in je tesno povezano z branjem člankov, knjig, poslušanjem, gledanjem filmov … Bolj ko se obkrožimo z angleščino, bližje nam bo.

Angleščina: z dobrim znanjem smo samozavestnejši

Angleščina nam je lahko v veliko pomoč na karierni poti. Z dobrim znanjem smo samozavestnejši in lažje dobimo dobro zaposlitev ali napredujemo, dijaki pa dosežejo boljši uspeh na maturi.

Preverite najbolj jezične tečaje angleščine za odrasle ali intenzivno pripravo na maturo iz angleščine.
